domingo, 12 de octubre de 2014

Video->Schooling the world

This is a short summary about the video:

The video shows how countries such as USA or UK had done a difficult job trying to school native people form India for example. They do good things and also very bad ones.

A native woman tells at the first of the video that years ago they raised their children according to the teachings of the Buddha but nowadays they send them to the school. She thinks that the important values of every county are decline.

Currently, every children dream is in the future be a doctor or something like that and have a lot of Money.

Education is essential to us to comunucate, to be independient, it gaves us knowledge and information. However, in native places they know that kids who go to school don´t know anything about their lifes such as take care of the animals.

In countries like USA they are coexisting many problems: capitalism, drugs, consumism, school failure… At the same time, many children live in povetry. They see their culture like ancient, and consumism like progress.

People who are not educated think that they don´t know anything; In schools of that type of countries, chidren have to speak english or they are punished, we can see that like a sort of colonialism.
Children don´t learn many useful things and they contribute in the pollution and in the breaking of the world.
They need an education that respects their culture and teachs about it and about their county, vegetation… and also about the world.

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