miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2014

Language and comunication activities

Some activities bellow about one video that we saw in class:

-Who was Orson Welles? 
He was an actor, director, screenwriter and film producer from USA. He did many works but relacionated with this class the important one is the one that did in the Basque Country.

-Main ideas of the video:

The video shows us how a basque shepherd returned to his town from America. He get married and he learn many things about the Basque culture, for example the costumes, language, music...
He knew how to speak in 3 different languages: English, Freanch and Basque

-Develop in depth two of them. provide a critic view from our standpoint such as: basque, non-basque, other..
From my point of view being a basque is much more than know how to speak that language, is feel that you take part in one big group who has the same past.
For example one person that can speak basque can not feel that is a basque person but another that speaks a little bit yes.
We have many cases of this in Navarra, many people think that Navarra is one part of Euskal Herria but others think that are differents.
Maybe some people prefears take part in Euskal Herria than in Spain because economically is better, and from their points of view has all than a country needs: beautiful landscapes, money, agricuture, services, iron and steel industry...

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