Evolution and effectiveness of cultural pluralism: multiculturalism to interculturalism. Carlos Gimenez Romero.
1. Profile authors: Malgesini and Giménez
2. Cultural pluralism, plural societies: Furnivall, Barth y Smith.
· Cultural pluralism: is an ideology or a model of social organization that says that is possible live harmoniously in society, groups with different religion, culture, ethnicity... cultural diversity is very positive.
· Plural societies: Firstly this term was proposed by Furnivall to talk about the society of Indonesia, some features of plural societies: domination, conflict, instability. This concept years later was used by Barth (to describe Pakistan) and Smith (Caribean)
3. Models of multiculturalism according to Kymlicka.
2 models:
· Cultural diversity arises from the incorporation of cultures that previously had self-government and were territorially concentrated to a higher state. They were called national minorities (they want to continue being different to the culture)
· Cultural diversity arises from individual and familiar immigration. They were called ethnic groups (they want to live integrated and want to be accepted).
4. objections to multiculturalism. Rex and Domínguez.
Rex: the concept of multiculturalism assumed the existence of two independent cultural scopes.
· Shared political culture within the public domain, based on the idea of equal individuals.
· Number of different community and private cultures, each with its own language, religion, family practices and customs.
Dominguez was more radical and conceive multiculturalism as a posracism ideology.
5. Intercultural according to Perotti
Perotti understands the intercultural society as a political project, based on the existing cultural pluralism in society (pluralism that is limited to the juxtaposition of culture and leads only to a revaluation of etno-groupals cultures). He aims to develop a new synthesis cultural
6. Chronology: cultural pluralism, multiculturalism and interculturalism
· Cultural pluralism: In the 60s it comes to confirmation of the paradigm of cultural pluralism by previous elaborations on plural societies. In 1958 Barth uses this term to describe the society of pakistan.
· Multiculturalism: In 1991 we can found this term. Subsequent to 1968, was developed a multicultural education program in some schools of Birmingham, organizing multicultural resource centres.
· During the 60s and 70s the expression of multiculturalism sufficed as a symptom of pluricultural. one more specific term was needed and a few years ago multiculturalism arises.
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