miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2014

Sex and gender activities.

Here I have posted the activities about the sex and gender:

1. Meaning of this words:

-intersectionality: the study of the intersections between different minority groups; for example, how being a gay woman or a black woman affects the inequalities experienced by women as a whole.

-ableism: discrimination against disabled or handicapped people.

-privilege: a special right or exemption granted to persons in authority that frees them from certain obligations.

-oppression: the act of subjugating by cruelty, force, etc or the state of being subjugated in this way

-discrimination: the ability to make or see differences; the ability to distinguish or judge among things.

2. Adapting source 2 for spanish context:

About the race: the asian would rest.
In spain jewish would rest and non-religious would plus; and christian would plus more.
Being fireman would also plus.

3. We have ticked almost all the questions, we think that is because we have never had any problem of positive or negative discrimination just because of our race, intelligence, abilities or disabilities.
We also live in families with good purchase power, so we have lived and we are living comfortable lives.

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